Meeting minutes for 2010
January, 2010 Our regular meeting of the Chapter 28 met on January 10, 2010, with a few die-hards who braved the snow. The crowd might have been a little small, but things went on as usual.
After the luncheon buffet, came the regular business meeting with Tom Barrett presiding. During the meeting it was announced that our own Sunshine Lady, Louise Allen, had taken a tumble. She is recuperating at home. Also during the meeting: Everett Jones reminded us of the upcoming Mini Road show at the Museum of Natural History in Cleveland on February 14; Tom Borkowski made a motion that we drop the July meeting. The motion was tabled until a discussion could be held with the Holiday Inn; Dave Lima asked about having a smaller place to hold our meetings. This discussion was also tabled; Tom Barrett announced that the 2010 Symposium has been canceled due to the lack of interest. He also announced that the 2011 Symposium will be held in Cincinnati. The subject at that symposium will be "Ohio Horology"; Frank Del Greco told us of the actions at the National. He also told us that the NAWCC Bulletin is now called the "Watch and Clock Bulletin". Frank also told us that all Bulletins and Marts magazines are now available on line by going to: and can be downloaded to meet each person's needs; Frank also told us that the National has a newly designed website and that every chapter has a free page on it, if they wish. After the meeting, Tom Borkowski presented an NAWCC video program "Salem Bridge Movements". This clock movement was manufactured from 1817 to 1845 and has been recognized as the finest quality and design of any Connecticut clocks. ------Ginny Sims, SecretaryMarch, 2010
Our regular meeting of the Chapter 28 met on March 14, 2010, with a
much larger crowd than before. Due to cost cutting measures, the Mart
room was down-sized. Many comments were that it made the room more
cozy, but it was not crowded.
The regular business meeting was conducted after the great buffet
luncheon with Tom Barrett presiding. During the meeting, Everett Jones
told us of the great success of the Mini-Roadshow that Chapter 28 held
at the Museum of Natural History in Cleveland. He stated that there
were quite a few nice pieces evaluated. Tom Borkowski announced that
everything for the 2010 Regional is ready. Ginny Sims reminded us of
the need for wrapped door prizes for the Breakfast Banquet on Saturday
morning of the Regional. Contact Betty Brown for information.
Dave Lima, vice president, then introduced Frank Del Greco with
the "Program of the Day". The theme of his program was,
“Restoration of a Clock Drive for a Warner
and Swasey Telescope”. Frank told us that
telescopes use clock drives to follow
the stars across the sky. Before the advent of reliable synchronous
electric motors, mechanical clock mechanisms were used. This
presentation covered the restoration of such a clock drive that still
powers a 9-inch diameter Cooley telescope, built by Warner and Swasey,
at the Hiram College Stephens observatory. There was a question and
answer session at the end of his presentation. Very fascinating
subject. Many thanks to Frank.
July, 2010 Our July 11, 2010 meeting was well attended. There was a nice variety of items on the tables as well as in the Silent Auction. The regular business meeting was held, after the luncheon, with Dave Lima, Vice-President presiding. It was reported that Gordon Sooy is on the Sunshine List. He recently had surgery and is doing very well. During the meeting: (1) A motion was brought up and passed to donate money to the Time Symposium; (2) Minor problems were issued about the Regional. These were briefly discussed; (3) A motion had been made at a previous meeting and was tabled as to whether to have a meeting in July from now on. The motion was brought to vote and was voted down. The size of the crowd at this meeting proved that it might not be wise to drop the July meetings. The Program of the Day was introduced by Dave Lima who is on the National Craft Committee. He stated that Frank Del Greco had won the "People's Choice Award" for his Wooden Clock Movement. This movement was made for a tower clock. It took him about 2 1/2 years to complete. Congratulations to Frank on a long job well done. The remaining part of the Program of the Day was a slide show of the winning project and all of the work that had gone into Frank's project. -------------Ginny Sims, secretary September, 2010
Our September 12, 2010 meeting was very well attended. Many sellers
and buyer kept the Mart room busy all morning. The Silent Auction
had a big selection of items, too.
During the business meeting, Tom Barrett, president, told us that: (1) there is a very large cuckoo clock in Sugarcreek that needs a new home; (2) the University Elementary School has a clock club in the third grade. It was suggested that we send them some old bulletins to look at; (3) February 5, 2011 will be the annual Mini Roadshow at the Museum of Natural History in Cleveland; (4) the November 14, 2010 meeting will also be Election Day for Chapter 28. The following offices will need nominees: Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors. Any one interested in the offices are to contact Tom Barrett, president, or Ginny Sims, secretary. It was announced that R. Bishop had passed away. Also announced was that Gordon and Irene Sooy were to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary soon.
The "Program of the Day" followed the business meeting. Dave Lima,
vice president, introduced Brian Stout with his program of "China
Case Clocks". Brian told us of how the making of pottery items got
it's start many hundreds of years ago. As time went on, this
pottery making was refined in quality. Hard case porcelian came
into existence between 600-900 AD. As time went on, soft porcelian,
tin glazing, and the adding of different elements for different
results in textrue, quality, and decorative value, were tried.
Brian had many picutres to go along with his extremely interesting
program. Many thanks to Brian.
------------Ginny Sims, secretary
November, 2010
Our regular November 14, 2010,
meeting was held with a larger than usual number of
attendees. The Silent Auction was also very busy with a
nice selection of items. The membership is reminded that
the Silent Auction adds a little fun and anticipation to the
Mart. Where else can you find "just what you're looking
for" at a good price, if you get the bid?
During the Mart, the election of
officers was conducted. The ballots were counted an
announced during the business meeting after the buffet
luncheon. The results are as follows: President - Dave
Lima; Vice President - Jeff Ring; Treasurer - Bryan
Eyring; Secretary - Ginny Sims; and 4 Directors - Bill
Budusky, Dwaine Gillard, Dick Sims, and Ralph Zarnick.
Congratulations and good luck to the officers.
After the luncheon, Ton Barrett,
president, conducted the business meeting. During the
meeting, a short discussion was held about the upcoming 2011
Regional. It was decided to have a 2-day event instead of
three. A Pre-Regional committee meeting was being planned
for early December. Results will be published in the
Bulletin, Newsletter, and on our website:
Following the meeting, Dave
Lima, vice president, introduced Frank Del Greco and his
program entitled "Eli Terry Experimental Wooden Works Tower
Clock". Frank, using PowerPoint, told us of the one-of-a-
kind 1835 Eli Terry Tower Clock which was used in a church
in Connecticut. This particular clock has wooden works with
a shelf clock movement which triggers the regular movements
of the time train. Frank found the movement in very poor
condition and having had crude repairs done. Frank says
he is going to try to make a duplicate. This was a very
educational program which all enjoyed.
Our next regular meeting is
January 9, 2011.
----Ginny Sims, secretary